by adding to the database more than 58,000 new text captchas, the success rate was increased several times in trusted recourses (it’s recommended to use the database TrustedLinksChecked.txt) #增加了文字验证码58000+
Improved decoding of ReCapctha (lowed the possibility to be banned by service) #改善了ReCaptcha解码
Updated x_user_agent.txt
Corrected xas.txt
Improved xas_near.txt
In this regard, in report file was added information about using xas_near.txt
Realized check for critical files of program
Notice of connection problem to emailbox was adjusted.
Improved processing of captcha in last version of IPB
Improved PICTOTRY processing at redirect
Implemented ignore of redirects the links that contains "=noscript"
Interface screen was return to Standard mode, to avoid conflict with SocPlugin on Windows 8 / 8.1
Increased stability of authorization system
Updated MakeToIndex.ini
Fixed “Access Violation” error, that could appear when displaying warning messages
Adjusted the warning message about the mailbox at project start.
Was made significant improvements in “Antispam” system: #Antispam系统有重大更新
Support of 64 bit OS, allowing to increase maximum precision and thematic of sent reply.
Fixed a critical bug in topics analyzer
Improved saving of information in Debug mode (file DebugPath.txt)
Supplemented Antispamxpostmask.ini and Antispamxnickmask.ini
Supplemented xurl.txt
Adjusted coding conversion to find better the answer.
Fixed bug at sending reply in phpBB
Adjusted logic of sending of neutral phrases.
Fixed a small bug in forming of nodes.txt
Fixed the work of additional filter of content
Implemented a deep collect of content
Implemented display of loading progress of nodes.txt in status bar (at the bottom)