[转载]什么是DA与PA? SEO优化


本文会为你详细介绍以下几部分: 1,什么是DA与PA 2,DA与PA的区别 3,如何检查一个网站的DA与PA权重 4,如何提高网站的DA权重,并以此增加网站的流量 (more…)
机器学习能给SEO带来什么? SEO优化


如果你相信最新的流行趋势,那么AI在你眼中是非常可怕的。我们在 终结者 中看到AI占据了整个世界。 我们虽然害怕,但是无论如何,我们却在不断的推进对AI的研究。它进入了我们的日常生活,我们的手机也将有更快的智能芯片。 (more…)
Google作弊技术2017-手动标记惩罚列表 SEO优化


众所周知,google的se算法是日常排名系统的主要因素,但是也有一些算法解决不了的问题。因此,近些年来,google加大了人工团队的规模,定期进行手动标记。正如我开始说的,手动标记就说明算法解决不了这些问题,正是当前SEO作弊的主流类型。 (more…)
SEO Tricks: 页面自动生成机制 SEO优化

SEO Tricks: 页面自动生成机制

页面自动生成机制,只的是从“导词-上线-调优”的整个过程,机器自动生成,人工辅助调参的。适用于拥有大数据量的站点。而且很久之前就有人在用了,算是古老的套路了。 当然小站点、新站点也不是不可以,只不过需要度过资源空短期。 (more…)
采集站思路汇总【持续更新】 SEO优化


在SEO领域,有一句名言 “内容为王”,充分说明了内容的重要性,可是有的时候在关键词众多的情况下,写出对应数量的文章的难度是很大的,于是乎“采集”被一部分人发掘出来制造大量的“内容”。采集自其出现,就争论不断, (more…)
7 Ways to Make Your Google Search Result Stand Out SEO优化

7 Ways to Make Your Google Search Result Stand Out

Getting listed on the first page of Google is an incredible accomplishment. Your efforts shouldn't stop there, however. A general listing without all the bells and whistles just won't get you the same amount of site traffic as it used to since users tend to go for the one that stands apart from the rest. The search engine competition is fierce, so don't get left behind while everyone else makes the necessary changes to get noticed. Consider how you would approach building the perfect web page. You might fine tune your headings, messaging, include images, and add resources to increase...
Link Building 101: Finding Web Mentions SEO优化

Link Building 101: Finding Web Mentions

Launching a fresh link building campaign can be an overwhelming task, especially for those new to or unfamiliar with link building. But link building isn't an impossible task – there's always a few very obtainable quality wins at the start of every campaign, no matter the client, website, campaign goals, or landing pages. Here's a checklist of five "quick win" opportunities every campaign should start with: 404 pages and Link Reclamation Competitor Analysis Fresh Web Mentions/Google Alerts Local Link Building Past/Current Relationships Fresh Web Mentions Monitoring and searching the web for mentions of your website, brand, product, or company is...